Rothwell Schools Vision and Values
‘Believe you can and you will’
Our vision is to instil aspirations for every child in the Rothwell Schools to be passionate, inspired, resilient learners with respect for the world in which we live.
This vision statement applies to everyone who is part of our schools.
The school values are:
Respect - We believe that the key to this is for us all to have self-respect, respect for others and trust in each other.
Curiosity - ‘curiosity is one of the great secrets of happiness’ (Bryant McGill)
Independence – ‘the essence of independence is to be able to do something for one’s self’ (Maria Montessori)
Aspiration – ‘your aspirations are your possibilities’ (Samuel Johnson)
Our aims are that every child and adult to be safe and happy in the Rothwell Schools through;
Everyone has the right to:
- Feel safe, cared for and respected
- Be able to learn to the best of their ability and to develop as an individual
- Be treated equally irrespective of gender, race, physical characteristics or any other factors.
Everyone is expected to:
- Be responsible for their own behaviour
- Respect the rights and views of others
- Share the Rothwell Schools values
Our Aims
At Rothwell Schools we are concerned with the care and growth of every child. All the policies we promote are aimed directly at fostering the development of each child emotionally, intellectually, morally, physically, socially and spiritually, providing the appropriate learning situations to achieve this. As members of this school we share an agreed code of values, based on a firm belief that we are all significant individuals, with major contributions to make towards the life of our school.
Everyone within the school has their own aspirations and abilities, and through the provision of an ordered, caring and happy community, we strive to help everyone reach their full potential.
The school has policies and schemes of work for all main curriculum areas and these are reviewed frequently to concur with the best of both National and Local Authority thinking. The ‘curriculum’ is all the planned learning which takes place in school and consists of the Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) and National Curriculum. We employ a thematic approach which embraces all subject areas.
Our School aims are: -
- To encourage the children to value themselves and others within the school.
- To provide a caring community in which all individuals can interact with each other recognising and accepting individual differences with tolerance, and ensuring equality of opportunity for all.
- To create a meaningful, stimulating and safe environment, which provides security and stability for everyone within the school community.
- To provide within the framework of National Curriculum requirements, a broad, balanced and creative curriculum, which will develop learning skills and promote understanding and enquiry, so enabling each child to achieve their full potential. Wherever possible we would try to achieve this through first hand experiences.
- To promote opportunities for children to express themselves creatively and imaginatively with confidence.
- To encourage and motivate children to take increasing responsibility for their own learning and to make informed choices through self-discipline and co-operation.
- To promote in our children, a positive and responsible attitude towards wider community and environmental issues and their own role in society.
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